Story Behind the Song
written for a peace demonstration two days after the twin towers attacks... the song has been very controversial, but has been used in protest rallies and memorial services all over the world.
Bomb Them With Butter ©James Gordon 2001
You want retribution,
You need to take a stand-
Your anger has turned towards Afghanistan.
You want to use bombs, you want to use guns-
Will that appease the 5000 innocent ones?
We should
Bomb them with butter, with rice and with bread,
Bomb them with medicine, and clothing instead.
Kill them with kindness, compassion and care-
Let them drink from clean waters, not the well of despair.
Get them right where they’ll expect it the least-
Bomb them with butter, attack them with peace
Hate and resentment, is all that they know-
Kept in darkness and fear, a drought where nothing can grow
To dig up the roots, we must get rid of the weeds.
Make their desert a garden, by sowing some seeds.
We should
Bomb them with butter, with rice and with bread,
Bomb them with medicine, and clothing instead.
Kill them with kindness, compassion and care-
Let them drink from clean waters, not the well of despair.
Get them right where they’ll expect it the least-
Bomb them with butter, attack them with peace.
They live in terror, in hunger and thirst-
Lets fill up the bellies of their starving children first-
And feed them with knowledge, so they might see-
A way out of this cycle of brutality
Kill them with kindness, compassion and care-
Let them drink from clean waters, not the well of despair.
Get them right where they’ll expect it the least-
Bomb them with butter, attack them with peace.ˇ