Story Behind the Song
Everybody in America has undoubtedly been riveted by the latest form of terror, the "Beltway Sniper" piercing the heart of the capitol area. Whether this terror is foreign or domestic, we don't yet know. But in my mind, terror wears only one face.
The now-infamous Home Depot is less than a couple of miles from my home, so when the sniper hit on 10/14, things suddenly got personal. My angst quickly manifested itself into a new song which I've rushed into production. "Don't You Bin-Laden Me," explores various facets of terrorism, angrily naming our public enemy #1, but also alluding to the sniper who has apparently struck again on the evening of this release.
On the musical side of things, I've done all of the instruments and vocals on this song.
Don’t You Bin-Laden Me
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Don’t hit then run and hide, stay in the light where I can see
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Don’t sucker-punch some random passerby, some nobody
New forms of terror coming home to roost
Sick, twisted minds society produced
They try to make us live in constant fear
From never knowing where they’ll next appear
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Don’t hit then run and hide, stay in the light where I can see
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Don’t sucker-punch some random passerby, some nobody
Look o’er my shoulder in the parking lot
Keep moving fast in hopes I don’t get shot
Won’t board the bus for fear of blowing up
Don’t want to leave my children fatherless while growing up
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Don’t hit then run and hide, stay in the light where I can see
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Don’t hit some passerby, they’re not some simple nobody
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Your mode of death and fear has forced us to a great impasse
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Just take your bloody games and cram them up your righteous ass
I’ve seen the blood and tears shed at the scenes
I’ve heard the sirens wake me from my dreams
Some call it jihad, other’s patriot’s pride
I’ve got a better one: insanity or homocide
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Don’t hit then run and hide, stay in the light where I can see
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Don’t hit some passerby, they’re not some simple nobody
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Your mode of death and fear has forced us to a great impasse
Don’t you Bin-Laden me
Just take your bloody games and cram them up your righteous ass