Story Behind the Song
I wrote this song because I hate being single, and when I'm in a relationship it never seems to work out. The lyrics came to me after spending an evenight with this attractive red head I know who was playing beatles songs on her acoustic guitar most of the night. She had an amazing voice that made me fall in love with her more and more as I sat there and listened. Then I left, went outside to my car, to reality, to the rain and the cold- then came home and wrote the song.
I feel so cold, but only on the inside.
I feel so hot, alone and by the fireside.
I need some love, and not the kind you're offering. Maybe a hug, I just need some affection.
Its raining hard, I walk into the street.
I'm getting wet, there's water on my feet.
And when I taste the rain, it always tastes like tears, and when I think of love I've longed for many years, I cry.