Do you ever get the feeling you're the one
they could do without?
Do you know you're the weakest link
without the shadow of a doubt?
You're the odd one, you're the odd one,
you're the odd one out!
Deadweight, you're destined to fall
Oddest one of them all
Arn't you the one that they call - Oddball?
Do you know how it feels, have you been
there too, have you hit the bottom hard?
Badly bruised and scarred?
Have you ever been so out of self-esteem
that you thought that you would fall?
Have you tried to end it all?
Do you ever get the feeling you're the one
they could do without?
Do you know you're the weakest link
without the shadow of a doubt?
You're the odd one, you're the odd one,
you're the odd one out!
Deadweight, you're destined to fall
Oddest one of them all
Arn't you the one that they call - Oddball?
Yeah, I bet you can tell what I'm talking
about, that you've been there once or twice
Telling yourself lies
Yeah I know that you know what I'm talking
about, I can see it in your eyes
And it comes as no surprise
Do you ever get the feeling you're the one
they could do without?
Do you know you're the weakest link
without the shadow of a doubt?
You're the odd one, you're the odd one,
you're the odd one out!
Deadweight, you're destined to fall
Oddest one of them all
Arn't you the one that they call - Oddball?
Deadweight, you're destined to fall
Oddest one of them all
Arn't you the one that they call - Oddest
ball of them all?