Story Behind the Song
This song took *ages* to record and edit! James' part goes ridiculously high and he is a baritone, so I'd say we did in the region of about 50 takes per line for some of it! The editing process took a long time as everything had to be strung together convincingly and each part had to be synchronised with the backing track.
As for where it was recorded:
a) Mike's bedroom,
b) James' university,
c) James' car at 2am in the morning and
d) Kieran's college.
Not too bad a sound considering the vastly differing acoustics and microphones used to record!
Since we've been apart
My clothes have started creasing.
There's a stain in my best shirt
That won't come out.
The kitchen stinks
And the pots and pans are piling up.
The scum around the hobs is turning green.
You left me all alone,
Now you're not here to help me.
I need you back now, babe,
To switch the frigging oven on.
Why did you leave me?
I need you here with me
So you can cook my tea.
Oh, please baby,
Will you come back to me now, dear,
'Cause I'm running out of beer?
Babe, I must confess,
You never were good looking,
But I miss you so much now
Without your cooking.
Oh, baby, I don't understand;
I loved you and respected you
But now you've left the washing up to me.
I always helped you out
By putting down the bog-seat.
Please babe, don't be so mean,
It really needs a thorough clean.
Why did you leave me?
I need you here with me
So you can cook my tea.
Oh, please baby,
There's a blotch on the settee
And dust on the TV.
Why did you leave me?
There's no washing powder left
And a tea stain on my vest.
Oh, please baby,
Will you come back to me now, dear,
'Cause I'm running out of beer?