Story Behind the Song
We did it in pretty much one take the weird thing was i was holiday relaxing when these thoughts of being alone and scared popped into my head and the phone call reference is actually to do with my Dad. The song is about how much i hated being alienated and feeling bad because of a broken home and other things you think about when your 16.
i’m so scared of what tomorrow holds,
because of what yesterday held,
they shout and scream,
they take it out on me,
her cries from when the phone call came,
it came,
so when she broke the news to me,
that hurt my scarred back,
how can anyone be so bad,
and as kind as you,
and then she led me out,
i’m so scared just let me back in there,
and if you’re out there let me in,
i wanna be where everyone else is,
lulled into false security,
naive to what we’re meant to be,
how can anyone be so bad and,
as kind as you,
i love you too and,
everything goes on and on and,
so i sing this song to you