Story Behind the Song
"Waltzing to War" was written in response to the decision of the U.S. Congress to approve a policy that appears to give a free hand to those who seek a simple, military, unilateral solution to what is a complex, political, international problem. That and other ironies suggested that a bit of humor on the situation would be appropriate.
The lyrics of "Waltzing to War" were written in October 2002. A few synthesized chords have been added by way of accompaniment, using the Anvil Studios software.
Does it seem, neighbors, we're waltzing to war?
I could have sworn that we've been here before -
Last time our leaders were in such a roar,
To Vietnam we went waltzing to war.
Mind you, our leaders that time had their chance,
But the most hawkish - had stood out the dance.
They served the Texas Air National Corps
While all their brethren went waltzing to war.
Not for the power and not for the oil,
Not to distract from domestic turmoil,
It's for the good of Iraq, nothing more,
That we propose to go waltzing to war.
Saddam Hussein is a bastard, it's true -
Do you know once he was red-white-and-blue?
We gave him money and weapons galore
When with Iran he went waltzing to war.
We've got the instruments ready to go;
Cluster bombs make lovely music, you know.
Thousands of bodies will be their dance-floor
If our poor soldiers go waltzing to war.
Most of the world thinks our leaders insane,
Half of our country thinks questions remain,
Even our army has doubts on that score -
But nonetheless we go waltzing to war.
And if our dancers should win us the prize,
Why then, our army Iraq occupies.
If they rebel then we'll have an encore -
We could have fifty years waltzing in store.
We were told, neighbors, we're waltzing to war,
Because Hussein was aggressive before.
We shall now prove we aggression abhor
By non-aggressively... waltzing to war.