Story Behind the Song
I was depressed one night and i grapped the ice cream out of the refrigerator and ate almost the whole box. I went to the health club the next morning and I got on the scale to check my weight and I couldn't believe it, I had lost two pounds from the day before. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Live-it Not Die-t. You have no control over your weight. Live in the flow of MY life and not by rules and regulations.
Hook up my jumper cables to the fatest part of your body and ask me to jump start it for you.That is how I went from two-hundred and forty-four pounds to two-hundred and eight pounds in less than three months. Go to my home page at to read my full story and leave me your comments. Thank you.
I'm on the live-it program no diet for me,
I'm on the live-t program since God has set me free, I'm on the live-it program, HE is my victory, I'm eating from the banquet of the LORD.
I'm eating love, peace and joy forevermore,
I'm eating love, peace and joy, thats for sure, I'm eating love, peace and joy forevermore, I'm eating from the banquet of the Lord.
I'm not eating discouragement, depression and fear, I'm not eating deprevation for HE is near, I'm not eating pain and sorrow for HE is my stay, I'm eating from the banquet of the Lord.
I'm eating from the banquet of the Lord,
I'm eating from HIS life forevermore,
I'm eating love, peace and joy forevermore,
I'm eating from the banquet of the Lord.