Story Behind the Song
Most people don't understand the title on this one until they hear the song. Wearin' a New One is about getting through the hard times by thinking about how good it's going to be when you get to the top. All the traveling, sleeping in the truck, lost entry fees, lonely nights, pains, scars and broken hearts will be worth it when you win the big one. And you'll be........
Wearin' A New One (Buckle)
Wearin' A New One
Verse 1
Walkin' down this dirt road, I'm miles from nowhere.
These old ropers, there gonna take me somewhere.
Girl when you see me, you just drive on by me.
Laughin' in your rearview, the dust in my eyes.
So I wipe the dust away from my eyes.
Throw my saddle on my back and tip my stetson high.
All I own is one buckle and the clear blue sky.
But when I draw my bull, I'm gonna wear a new one tonight.
Verse 2
Walkin' down this dirt road, I'm the man from nowhere.
This damn rodeo, at least it takes me somewhere.
Girl you can't break me, so don't try to change me.
Cause I'm just livin' for 8-seconds of fame.
So I wipe the dust away from my eyes.
And pick myself up and tip my stetson high.
Cause I might of been thrown, but I rode him right.
Stick my buckle in the saddle, I'm wearin' a new one tonight.
So I wipe the dust away from my eyes.
And pick myself up and throw my stetson high.
Cause I might of been thrown, but I rode him right.
Tip my hat to that son of a _________, Cause I'm wearin' a new one tonight.
Written by Chris Sparks
Copyright 1998 Christopher Lee Sparks
Barstool Cowboy Entertainment, ASCAP
All Rights Reserved