Story Behind the Song
This song was written (the lyrics anyway) while I was sitting in computer class. It's about learning to deal with you lesser points and accepting responsility for all the things you've fucked up. It's basically about growing up and maturing.
The blame lies squarely on my shoulders.
I'm not such a child that I can't admit it when I've fucked up.
So I say it now, but I really don't know how
5 Letters (s-o-r-r-y) can make a difference.
I spent last summer jsut trying to regroup.
But, now that winter's here, I see the snow is all my fault.
And when the walls caved in.
And when only the fallen leaves remained.
Growing up seemed like my best bet.
And so while the world celebrated its rebirth I bathed in shadows.
Mourning the loss of my now empty soul.
Holes in the eyes make me question frequently my position in this place.
When you're spending your whole life one step behind, what's the purpose in trying to save face?
And I'll swim out to the center of the sky tonite and surrounding me will be this blanket of black.
And the wind begons to blow.
And the seasons shift oh, so slowly.
And now as the ice begins to creak like, like wooden floorboards beneath my feet.
I will take and freeze my thawing heart.
Another circuit broken.
Another unfriendly season.
Every word I scream comes out in silence.
And I will hang myself.
By these wrists, and put this hole in my head.
I'm nothing.
It's nothing but a season changed.
And so while the world celebrated its rebirth I bathed in shadows.
Mourning the loss of my now empty soul.
Stuff in the background:
I belong to this month like the world to its own sky.
I belong in this month for as long as the year would have me.
30 days. (30 days hath September)
30 days to count my hours, to plan my minutes.
To play with the rainy season.
Children born on this day forever belong to the keeper.
To the keeper of fools.
30 Days, 30 Days. (April, June, and November)
To watch the sky and say "trot, trot. It looks like rain."
But where has my umbrella gone? where is the overhang that I built for such an occasion?
Over there, in the days of May.
What a cumbersome month, this May.
Today, today. I played my first game, watched my first play and laughed untill my first real tears came.
The first day of this fourth month. The last time I play this game.
The last time I will be considered a child on this day.
30 Days, 30 days.
For the hours pass so quickly now, everyone wants to get on with it, move on to May.
I'm stuck playing April Fools.
You know they say: "April showers."
Flowers are not born in this month. Only mud.
The snow melts and leaves mud,
We crawl through the earth and slide into life more than we suddenly appear.
There is no "It's such a miracle!"
Only "When did this one come?"
You know they say: "Brings May flowers."
They say, "Today is May. Let us bless our children."
"Such a blessing, this one!"
Let me count the days.
31 Days (September, April, June, and November).
Today is the first day.
31 days remain....
April's mud brings May's blessings...
you know they say "April showers."
"Cleanliness is godliness."
"Brings May flowers."
that is what they say after all..