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    "Call of Victory"genre: Hard Trance
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    This 146BPM track is scientifically engineered to increase eye-tigger-finger coordination. The wailing call will assure your the enemy of his impending flattening under your boot. Lock n' load, soldier -- and never mind washing your hands!
    Credits: constructulated in Reason

    Story Behind the Song
    Orignally released as "Anorganamongus," this track was primarily created as an experiment with the NN-19 Digital Sampler in Reason. Quickly I created a simple bassline and drum beat to accompany the four phrases of the organ's track. I imported a simple acid line from another project. To me, the organ was hardly interesting enough to be the central focus of this track. So, I began to reconsider the texture of the sound in the track. All of the existing instruments played short bursty phrases leaving the entire piece sounding choppy. Solution: hold down the keys longer! A pad instrument seemed most apropriate for a lasting sound, however this yieled only a weak sound that was overshadowed by the pounding of the other instruments. Strong distortion brough the effect I was looking for -- an expressive tone with fat harmonics for that epic feel. With the "wang," as I have it's track labeled, in place the track transcends the cheap organ flick that I had released in "Anorganamongus." I hope you enjoy the all new, digitally remastered for Dolby Stereo 2.0 "Call to Victory."

    The piece begins with a thick, monotone, repeating bassline and simple drum loop. The acid line is introduced in parts with a short break in the bass drum kick to give focus to the full acid line. The drum loop hardens as the bassline enters its first progression.
    Suddenly we are left with the first taste of the 'Call to Victory' which carrys with it the, uh, battle organ. The bassline resumes as the first two phrases of the organ repeat. As before, the beat thickens and the bass progresses to introduce another acid line and just after the full progression of the organ's line. These progressions repeat twice more with a hardening beat until a climax.
    Here where we are left with the 'Call to Victory' theme. In the face of this wailing siren the other instruments sputter as they regain strength. The slightly akward notes of the theme require conclusion.
    The long note at the end of the theme introduces us to a new progression for the organ -- this one with a more active pattern. The bass returns and the drums build as the track aligns itself for the final run.
    A long full progression brings us to the final climax with the hardest drums of all.
    From here on the piece cleans up, now out of energy, with a final victory dance from the battle organ.

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