Story Behind the Song
Ever wonder what the afterlife's like? Well, if you've been bad here on Earth, this song'll let you know what you're in for.
Welcome to Hell/Cerberus will take your coat/and slyly shyly cuts your throat/Beelzebub will eat your brains/as you slowly go insane/Welcome to Hell/leave your innocence/taste your virginity/surrender to Hell's insanity/check your soul at the door/you are Satan's whore/Welcome to Hell/get outta the car yankee/click click kaboom click click kaboom boom/get out of the car sinner/and join Satan for dinner/yes you're all in Hell now/and it's time to pay/don't you see we're so much happier down here?/Welcome to Hell/1,2,3,4,5,6,6,6