The Power of the Music (Kate's Comeback)
Kate felt on top of the world, as the ski lift brought her there
She marveled at the blue sky, as she brushed back her red hair
On a college break with friends, after acing her first semester
The ski runs have been natural highs, the big white mountain possessed her
She started skiing down the hill, spraying snow from side to side,
All seemed right with her life, the path was long and wide
She was thinking about the morning, looking forward to a bright new day
She was thinking about the evening, dancing the night away
Chorus I
To the power of the music, it's what makes you want to sing
It fills you with joy, you see beauty in everything
And even during the saddest times, when hope is left behind
it's the power of the music, that can heal your ailing mind
You never know when your life will change, nor the one thing that will change it
Just like Kate had no idea, that soon something would rearrange it
A skier going way to fast, was approaching without a sound
He side swiped and he clipped her, made her head slam hard to the ground
She blacked out for a moment, something was terribly wrong
things moved in slow motion, as help came along
she doesn't remember sirens, nor the worry in their faces
She didn't know her life had veered to unimaginable places
Chorus II
will the power of the music, someday make her sing
and fill her with joy, to see beauty in everything
and even during the darkest moments, when hope is left behind
will the power of the music, help heal her ailing mind
Where once was a bright vibrant girl, now was helpless like a child
Where once was a bright vibrant mind, now was lost in the wild
Kate came home a broken girl, too injured to complain
Moving slowly with blurred vision, clutching tightly to her cane
She spoke in lifeless monotones, and to add to the misery
Could not remember names of friends, was frightened by her loss of memory
College was out of the question, with rehab twice a week
to her room she'd retreat, in a shell, refused to speak
The days grew dark and darker, sealing off the outside world
Her mother broke down and cried, "I fear we've lost our girl"
Chorus III
2 more years of dark times, all hope was left behind
could the power of the music, ever heal her ailing mind
one day she started to whistle, for the first time in years she smiled
the whistling changed to singing, something awakened inside
a life-defining moment, a spiritual transformation
music gave her strength, it heightened all sensations
Where Kate once was lost in the wild, now had found her way back
Where Kate once was helpless like a child, 'twas time to launch a comeback
first the cane and eyeglasses, were happily thrown away
Then creating her own music, would be key to lead the way
For years she worked to reach her goal, a most determined fighter
She became a great guitarist, performer, and songwriter
Today the audience love her songs, they applaud, beg for more
It's amazing they don't have a clue, what her life was like before
But there's one thing she can't explain, is how the accident set her free
To create beautiful songs with ease, it's a gift, and a mystery
Chorus IV
That the power of the music, is what enabled her to sing
It filled her with joy, to see beauty in everything
And even during the saddest times, when hope was left behind
It was the power of the music, that healed her ailing mind.
Words and Music by Ray Paquet
September 29, 2002