Story Behind the Song
I was just sitting here on a Sunday.... and Cracka A was outta town, so I was bored and decided to write and record some lyrics to a cool sounding beat I made a few days prior.
Maple bluff thats how I spend my hours
workn on the golf course maitence crew
do'n lots of work with stuff with power
oh how I love that beefy cheedar stew
hang'n out on the golf course all day just'a singn my tunes
thats how i spend my summer mornings and summer afternoons
go'n in for break at ten and lunch at high noon
tak'n a break for baked chicken, head'n back real soon
so some days its too hot to work so we just sit back and drink [soda]
i dont know, maybe some basketball, what do ya think?
or we could just sit talk tales of the pink, and someones thirteen inch wink
i dont know, whatever we do these balls'll still stink [swamp balls]
------------------RAP PT ONE-------------------
so as that quick chorus line just suggested
I've got all my fuckn summer time invested
workn at the maple bluff country club, country club
when i'm pushn plugs I be like what
now pushn wet dirt all day aint much fun
specially when its hot as shit and it weighs a fuckn ton
i've told ya this once and i'ma tell ya again
i dont ever want none of the fag caddies be'n my friend
but some of the jobs out here aint to bad
like washn the truck of your fuckn friends dad
but still theres a lotta work to be had
on the eighteen hole course with a pimped out pad
i be shin'n up the banks with my fuckn fly mower
they hover but sometimes dont turn over
what you gonna do when i come for you
with a rough mower, oh shit your fuckn screwed
on a fairway mower thats how i like to spend my time
try and mow straight lines while thrown out rhymes
getn paid lotsa dimes so its all worth my time
from seven till three thirty mideastern time
so while we're on the course we make it hardcore
tear'n the shit up, break'n machines, swearn, smok'n not close'n doors
whippn shitties n peel'n out is what we're about
but the thing that fucks the most stuff up is the drought
when the rain comes around, everybodys like, oh yah thats what i'm talkn about
cause when it rains we get dounts, orange juice, milk, and less work to pout about
but day in and out, beyond any doubt we just get the rain gear on and we head the fuck out
going to fix sand traps, ignoring the Finallie backpacks, grab a snack, calculatn paths for trap attacks
now I'va told ya once and dont make me tell ya again, I dont want no fag caddies be'n my fuckn friends
now I'va told ya twice i aint gonna tell ya again, they just piss me off to no fuckn end
but that all depends on who's your friend, and wether or not you intend to offend
so if you see it my way, or if you plain ol' dont, atleast you'll comprehend