Story Behind the Song
Arrozana is a song that has been sung by generations of Palestinian Arabs, but which has been overshadowed by the music and poetry of a people living under occupation. For Palestinians in particular, Arrozana will bring back memories of a time long gone.n
1) Arrozana, Arrozana, koolil hawa feeha,
Through the window, through the window the breeze flows,
Weish Imlat ir-rozana, Allah yijazeeha
Why has the window imposed on me?
2) Ya rayhin 'a-Halab, hubbi ma'akum rah,
Hey you going to Aleppo, my love goes with you,
Ya mhamlinl-'inab fo' il-'inab tuffah
Carrying grapes and apples on top.
3) Kull min 'indu mahbuba w'ana hubbi rah
Everybody has somebody and mine has left.
Ya Rabbi nasmit hawa traj'-'il-wilfi liyya
Oh spring breeze bring my love back.
4) Haji truh w-tiji, idak 'ala khaddak,
Don’t come again and again with your hands on your cheek, in vain.
Ti'sha banatil-l-'arab, wiflus ma 'indak.
And don’t love Arab girls if you have no money.