Story Behind the Song
political song about how school oppresses the youth
a free coutry for a select few, our oppression is nothing new, freedom begins at age 18, we shouldnt be heard only seen, no control over our lives no matter how hard we try. were our parents slaves and the brave who misbehave, taught a lesson with broken will, the battel for us is all up hill, 12 years in school just to become industries tool
forced to go to school, taught review everyday, we dont vote to make a rule, no questions just obey.
taught to do what the teachers say, you dont desearve any pay, kiss my ass get a good grade, that sounds like a fair trade, school is just a waste of time, dont worry everything is fine, no one speaks out for a shange, if we get a job its minimum wage, who made childhood work so wrong, learn less from school then this song, taught to play the game everyone should be the same