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    "The Divine Miss A."genre: Brit Pop
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    "Manchester, England, in the late 70's / early 80s was not a safe place to transcend one's designated gender. The gorgeous Ms. A, unable to ignore her inner truth, did so with grace, some choice words and endless courage. A simple walk for the morning paper could just as easily ended in a trip to hospital- but not for her, no! For the hapless ruffians who thought they could take her only to end up on the wrong side of her reckless shoes." - CC @
    CD: The Gondoliers Of Ghost Lake (LTMCD2350)   Label: LTM (UK) Out November 2002
    Credits: Written by Cath Carroll and Kerry Kelekovich. Lyrics by Cath Carroll. ©2002 Superclammy, Ltd. Publishing ASCAP. CC: lead + backing vocals; KK: instruments, additional backing vocals, loops & treatments. Produced by Superclammy. Recorded, mixed and mastered at CMG, The Couderay Music Group, Chicago by KK.

    Story Behind the Song
    Getting ready for our SXSW'01 St. Patty's Day gig would mean I would turn on the rehearsal room and warm up. Capo on the third fret meant "dadgad" tuning and I would noodle around with a chord progression that sounded like "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" played by "Harvest"-era Neil through an analogue delay. The phrase "mama take this badge off of me" became the mantra for this motif referring to the SXSW performer badge you must wear everywhere you go. After we returned from Austin, Cath wrote lyrics to the Brit-pop she grafted to my phrase. We hashed out a B section and, voila! Happily humming along to CC's melody I had no idea "badge" had literally transformed into Alanah- "The Divine Miss A.". Fitting don't you think? - KK

    The Divine Miss A.

    Alanah's adaptation always caused great consternation;   Like the hand that made the writing on the wall, The mystery surrounds us Whilst the evidence confounds us and she'd never Give it away give it away give it away

    Alanah always used to say, I'll never live a lie, if they don't like it then they can look away

    She fought them and she fooled them And she took them on and schooled them Still she kept her heels and kept her head up high They pushed her and they shoved her Yet they all secretly loved her (She never would give it away give it away give it away)

    Alanah always used to say, I'll never live a lie, if they don't like it then they can look away

    But her light Burned so bright The North just couldn't hold her, And the nice men cruising Alexandra Park Were left to dream About the one They never could get over Whilst fumbling in the dark... Still they dream About the one Who never let them hold her And left them in the dark...

    (She never would give it away give it away give it away)

    Alanah always used to say, I'll never live a lie, if they don't like it then they can look away.

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