Story Behind the Song
As soon as Trent gave me his original recording of this song (which only included a guitar track and vocal), I knew right away that this would be our big song. As it turns out, I was right, and crowds at our shows sometimes even end up chanting the name of the song before we get to it. People have had their theories about the metaphorical meaning behind the song, but, as Trent says, "It's just about a Magic 8 Ball!" This recording is from the "Rind Sessions" in July of 2002.
I was wandering around the mall
when I spotted a black and white ball
You claimed to tell things that always were true-
that's when I bought you
I asked you things that you couldn't know
you told me back things like "It shall be so"
so I took you and brought you home
you were never alone
Magic 8 Ball, you always knew
you told me things that always were true
Magic 8 Ball, please don't lie
if you do, I just might die
Then one day I asked you if Bob was my name
you said it's "unclear, please ask me again"
and that's when I knew that you had gone bad
and I felt so sad
So I took you back to the store
I said "it's broken, please sell me one more!
All I need is a small black and white ball."
and she said- "Someone bought them all."
Magic 8 Ball, false things are bad
when you tell me false things I feel I've been had
so, Magic 8 Ball, here I'll leave you alone
and I'm going to go home
(Trent plays his solo)
While walking away, I turned around
someone else was picking it off the ground
it was a child, and she looked at it
and I knew she'd made a wish
She smiled happily and ran off again
I knew the 8 Ball had found a new friend
As for the 8 Ball, I won't try it again
so I guess that this is the end
Magic 8 Ball, I had found you
you made me happy with things that were true
Magic 8 Ball, you were so great
Goodbye my Magic 8
Goodbye, goodbye...