As I was going over the Cork and Kerry mountains
I met with captain Farrell and his money he was countin’
I first produced my pistol, and then produced my rapier.
Saying “stand and deliver” for I am a bold deceiver,
Mush a ring dum a doo dum a da (Oh oh)
whack for the daddy 'o (Oh oh), whack for the daddy 'o
there's whiskey in the jar
I counted out his money, and it made a pretty penny.
I put it in my pockets and I took it home to Jenny
She promised and she vowed that she never would deceive me,
but the devils in the women, for they never can be easy.
When I was awoken between six and seven
The guards they stood around me in numbers all uneven,
I flew for me pistols, but alas, I was mistaken
For Jennyd drawn me pistols and a prisoner I was taken
Now some men take delight in the drinking and the roving,
And others take delight in their carriages a rollin’.
But I take delight in the juice of the barley,
and courting pretty girls in the morning hour so early.
Chorus x2