Story Behind the Song
One of the ongoing series of transcriptions of Bach's Liturgical Year for sampled instruments.
Alle Menschen müssen sterben,
alles Fleisch vergeht wie Heu,
was da lebet, muss verderben, soll es anders werden neu.
Dieser Leib, der muss verwessen,
wenn er ewig soll genesen
der so grossen Herrlichkeit,
die den Frommen ist bereit.
Hark! a voice saith, all are mortal,
Yea, all flesh must fade as grass,
Only through Death's gloomy portal,
To a better life ye pass,
And this body formed of clay
Here must languish and decay,
Ere it rise in glorious might,
Fit to dwell with saints in light.
--Tr. C. Winkworth