Story Behind the Song
I direct a week of church camp at Camp Moneto for 5th and 6th graders. They taught me a song called Blind Man. About the man crying on the road for Jesus. I decided to make a holy hip hop version.
Blind Man
Blind Man stood by the road and he cried
Blind Man stood by the road and he cried
Blind Man stood by the road and he cried
He cried Oooo
I’ve been blind since birth, some people say I’ve been cursed
It’s hard not being able to see, but to be honest I’ve seen worst
I’ve seen cruelty, and I’ve seen brutality
You want to know how can a blind me see, well I saw it happen to me
Everyone’s in a rush to go here or there,
They’ve got 20/20 vision yet their spiritually impaired
So here I am on the road, forced to be a beggared
They throw me some alms, but what I need is a Shepard
I want more than this in my life
I want someone to show me the way, the truth and the light
I’m a lost sheep I'm hurt and alone
But What I really want is someone to show me the way home
Oooo Show me the Way
Oooo Show me the truth
Oooo Show me the light
Oooo The way to go home
Lame Man stood by the road and he cried
Lame Man stood by the road and he cried
Lame Man stood by the road and he cried
He cried Oooo
I’m just a no name, no game, lame
I’m so crippled I can’t even walk with a cane
And every day is just the same old same
People walk by, shake their heads and say “O what a shame”
They see me lying by the road on my cot
And they throw me a mite, but then again they might not
So here I am a beggar, life’s given me this lot
Hey, I know it’s not a lot, but heck! Its all I got
Now I’ve heard that there's this fountain that can produce a miracle
But I can’t find anyone to help me to be first in the pool
I looking for a way, some truth, a little light
But most of all I’m looking to find a way home tonight.
Oooo show me the way
Oooo show me the truth
Oooo show me the light
Oooo the way to go home
Jesus hung on the cross and he cried
Jesus hung on the cross and cried
Jesus hung on the cross and cried
He cried Oooo
It’s in pain that I cry, I’m not gonna lie
I prayed that this cup could some how passed me by
But I had to go through it, I couldn’t be a coward
Because I knew I’d been sent to earth for this very hour
To be blinded with pain, and to be stretched till I was lame
To be rejected by my own people and to feel the shame
To stay up on the cross and pay the cost
To destroy death, and bring new life to your hearts
I’m the Son of God, but I am the good Shepard too
I heard the cries of the blind man, the lame man, ….and you.
Crying out for your sins and short falls
You think no one is listening but I hear your calls
Sometimes life is so tough you want to give it up
you try to heal yourself with material things, but there’s never enough
You feel like the least of these only a little less
Your lost and confused, and you’ve got no guess
Well I healed the blind man and watched him cry non-stop
And I healed the lame man and told him to rise up and walk
Those where important miracles, no doubt it’s true
But I want you to know I saved the greatest miracle for you.
For you I die on this cross, your sins to atone
I die, but shall live again and I’ll take you home
So open your eyes and your Saviour see
Rise up and walk, my child, follow me.
Oooo I am the way
Oooo I am the truth
Oooo I am the light
Oooo the way to go home
In my Father’s House are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again. That where I am you may be also.
By Joseph Johnson