Story Behind the Song
When i was seeking a record deal in 99/2000 my then manager and friend Gavin Sharp and i were spending alot of time together that time became the inspiration for this song.
The song is titled Grace after his daughter and by her birth, Gavins relationship with his soon to be wife Emma and with an added focus on the wonder of love making and the miracle of creation itself*
She glows and we know,
Mommy’s little heart of gold she’ll brake the average Joe’s.
And legions of angels stand to guard her precious soul,
Her precious soul.
She is the ray of light,
Inspiring like the sunshine.
He’s away when he’s working,
And the tunnel is long
But the future is bright,
Well you’d imagine so.
And he can always tell when his baby calls.
Well I guess you would know.
Caller display on his mobile phone.
His soul mate is calling,
And the cupid’s loom with passion bows,
And feeling high.
So high
With stirring uplifting passionate cry’s.
The spirit shows.
With a gift of life
And blessed with the breath of life they sleep.
As if as one.
Dreaming of the days ahead a-like,
Exciting so.
Blessed with the breath of life.
X3 Life.
His soul mate is calling,
And the cupid’s loom with passion bows,
And feeling high.
So high.
With stirring uplifting passionate cry’s.
The spirit shows.
With a gift of life
And blessed with the breath of life they sleep.
As if as one.
Dreaming of the days ahead a-like,
Exciting so.
In testing times
Blessed with the breath of life.
Chorus 6 Bars.
X3 Life.
Written by Ganiyu Pierre Gasper and the assisting hand of the Almighty.