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    "Another Lost Crusade"genre: Folk Rock
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    Story Behind the Song
    This is an old one, written in '83. I can't really remember any specifics about what motivated it, but it definitely has something to do with undying romanticism.
    I've tried recording this many times over the years, but was never really happy with it. This version is done with electric guitar, even though it really should be done acoustically (and I prefer playing acoustic), but, I was having microphone problems and so the electric guitar was used; and I liked it (accepted it, because I didn't want to redo it).
    The vocal track was the toughest, and after many recordings of piecing separate vocal track sections together, I finally did the whole vocal on a single track (still multiple takes of peices), and liked it.
    I debated calling this "Roses In the Rain", just because I like the imagery of that verse, but decided it had to remain "Another Lost Crusade". So, "Roses In the Rain" is stored for future use.

    This is all so pretty.
    Did you plan it this way?
    The flowers and the gowns,
    And teardrops gettin' in the way.
    Oh, the candlelight is nice.
    And the vows will soon be said.
    Cartons of wedding gifts,
    Handshakes, smiles and kisses.

    Was it you who told me
    You're never getting caught?
    Throughout all your escapades,
    Your love just won't be bought.

    But now you're walking' down the aisle.
    I see a billion smiles.
    And this is Another Lost Crusade.
    Another memory that will never fade.

    Well, I'm holding roses in the Rain
    But you'll never see them
    Nor notice my pain.
    Well, I'm holding secrets of childhood days.
    Oft-thought regrets
    Of how there should have been other ways.
    And there's paths I should've walked down;
    And well-placed clues you should have found.
    I'm still waiting for the postman to come 'round,
    To carry off that letter
    That tells you how I feel.

    But now you're walking' down the aisle.
    And I feel a million miles from you.
    Another Lost Crusade.
    Another memory that will never fade.

    Your daddy still remembers me.
    I wonder if you do.
    Yeah, he shook my hand,
    Your mother kissed me too.
    But my mind is still spinning.
    My head's in outer space.
    Locked on that moment
    When you said "I do".

    Another Lost Crusade.
    Another Lost Crusade.
    Another memory that will never fade.
    Another Lost Crusade...

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