Story Behind the Song
Part of an ongoing series of transcriptions of Bach's Liturgical Year for sampled instruments.
Jesu, meine Freude,
Meines Herzens Weide,
Jesu, meine Zier,
Ach wie lang, ach lange
Ist dem Herzen bange,
Und verlangt nach dir!
Gottes Lam, Mein Bräutigam,
Ausser dir soll mir auf Erden
Nichts sonst liebers werden.
--Johann Frank (1618-1677)
Jesus, my true pleasure,
Of my heart the pasture,
Jesus, my delight,
Ah how long, how long now
Is my heart made anxious
As it longs for thee!
God's true lamb, my bridegroom thou,
More than thee to me on earth now
Shall nought be more treasured.
--Z. Philip Ambrose, translator