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    "Each Cancer Cell"genre: Folk
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    CD: Pulling for the Woods   Label: Stray Records in Canada

    Story Behind the Song
    Each Cancer Cell

    This song was written shortly after the too-early death of a beautiful
    friend of mine. It is an affirmation that deep friendship can exist
    between a man and a woman and of cold rage at the industrial age disease
    that cut it short.


    I'm sure that each cancer cell is a swell individual
    Probably has a family, just like you and me
    Might live in a tumor, kind of like New York or Vancouver
    Or move out to the country
    Where the flesh is fresh and pretty
    Now each cancer cell by itself might seem quite harmless
    But you get 'em in a bunch and they're as deadly as can be
    They like to celebrate their current growth
    And growth potential
    And the outcome of their virulence
    They sompletely fail to see
    Their egos, like their pocketbooks
    Expand and keep expanding
    But they fail in understanding what the sad result must be
    They will grow until they bust
    Insisting to the last, they must
    And that pitiful, blind lust
    Migh be the end of them and thee and me
    What if the earth's a mighty being
    Might we be its little brain cells
    Not doing our job very well...not caring for our bod
    Is our endless search for gain a kind of cancer of the brain
    And will the earth fade and remain.
    The merest shadow of a god
    They say the power of the mind can cure cancer in the body
    And I sincerely pray to God that she and he will help us find
    The awareness and the will to see that cancers always kill
    And the only way to stop them
    Is to profoundly change our minds
    I'm sure that each cancer cell is a swell individual
    Charming, probably talented, efficient to the nth degree
    But with their buddies hand in hand
    They move like locusts 'cross the land
    And a stubble is left standing
    Where the green earth used to be

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