Story Behind the Song
No great purpose here. Just an idea I played out. The alphabet song is one of those songs which just sits in our culture's mind. Transposing that with harsh words, but closing with an optimistic tone, I'm quite happy with this work.
Q-R-S, T-U-V,
W-X, Y and Z.
Now I know my ABC’s,
next time won’t you sing with me!"
cheered the happy youths
unspoiled by the evils and horrors of society
Still bathed in the purity of the young
filled with innocence and curiosity
optimism unbounded lives unfettered
within the creativity of their thoughts
imagination controls their worlds
as they live in a land of beauty
and goodness.
All are equal
All are beautiful
All are good
in the world of these happy youths
and as we watch them in their merry chorus,
perhaps, we should consider joining in their song
next time, that is
because, for them,
there will always be a next time to sing
for now
life is limitless.