Story Behind the Song
I'll try to keep the very long story short. The song involved a lot of smoke, that’s all I'll say about that. Dan and his friend Ryan (R-yan) hummed a bass line and drum line into Dan’s voice mail. Dan brought it to me as a potential Beat Corp track, just a quick one day tracking. We hammered out the actual bass line out of the grainy voicemail and then I constructed the hip hop base of drums and samples to make the track as close as we could to their beat boxing. The vocals came from our viewing of potential rentees to the pricey apartment next door, which seemed to attract only the most beautiful girls in LA. After another day of me hammering out the arrangement and other parts, Dan resinging his verse 4 times and a sample from our upstairs neighbor Julie and my friend Kevin, the track was finally complete. A hip-hop/dub/revolting cocks medly. Alright it was a very long story no matter how you tell it, there is more to tell but my hands hurt from typing, ENJOY!
I'm the insect, I will be impressed. I saw you through the window with the companies address.
There's a hole in my blinds where I spend my afternoons, in line for our secret rendezvous.
Unknowing, I am waiting. Put you to the test never hesitating.
It's tough to be dressed in public places, vacancies so many pretty faces.
I hear voices, Echos through me.
This is the right one, what can I say
I've seen 'em come here, come and go all day.
You're this months special , my fee is waived.
Come by anytime you like but you can never stay
I hear voices, Echos through me.
Such a dirty shame no one to blame
look at me behind the window pane
not a crime its in your mind
Beat Corp call is on the line
What a time to be free but you don’t see me
I hear voices, Echos through me.