Story Behind the Song
Back when I used to run a chat room, the "Hiryuu Honyaku Asylum Chatroom", this poor girl who went by the nickname "Kaa Lee" kept getting "Heythere" and "Keith" (who we called Keet) trying to chat her up which such subtle pickup lines as *Heythere smacks Kaa Lee on the bum* and *Keith begins to lick Kaa Lee's armpits*. I wrote this song one day for her as a sort of sympathy song ^^;;;
It's another bright morning as I wake to the world,
I get out of bed, my teddy bear unheld,
I walk to the computer to visit the HHA,
What fantastic things will I see there today?
Logging on to the HHA chat room,
I see much text like, "YEEES" and "*foom*",
But I notice something else, and it's sad to see;
Heythere and Keet pestering poor Kaa Lee...
Their pickup lines leave much to be desired,
Less appealing to the common denominator's required!
Perhaps if they were sensitive, and not obsessed with porn,
[S]Then Heythere and Kaa Lee might've got it on[/S]
Then Heythere and Kaa Lee might've not been in this song...
So I'm singing this song with a message for Heythere to hear,
You don't pick up a girl by smacking her in the rear,
And to Kaa Lee, the object of so much male affection,
May I suggest you pack your gear and run in the opposite direction?!