Story Behind the Song
This is about your lover leaving you and going to someone else, and then they realize that you are better than the other person (which is usually true.
Never Thought that I would see the day,
The day you look at me,
Never Thought that I would see the day,
The day I'm finally free,
Never Thought that I would see the day,
I have your heart in my hand,
Never Thought that I would see the day,
I crush it again and again,
Never Thought that I would see the day,
the day you f*ckin cheat,
The day you cheated was the day I met the guy
Too bad his a** got beat,
you look at me with those hateful evil eyes,
every single time I pass by,
you hate the fact that the new guy is a dick
and then you start to cry for me,
you used to always lie to me,
Now that you lost me, you need me so bad,
now that Im gone you're so sad,
why didn't you love me,
the way that I loved you,
you thought you were above my,
you used my trust in you,
why did you leave me,
when I needed your hand,
and now that you need me,
you're stuck with that man well that's too bad.