Story Behind the Song
From years of painful experience comes the realisation that Mr Mackey was right, "Drugs ARE bad, m'kay....."
Morning, noon or night or even anytime at all
Feels like it's a good time to slap my brain into free fall
Twenty-four hours a day is just not time enough at all
For using and abusing shit of any kind at all!
D.M.T. and Ecstasy Coke and a little smack
L.S.D. and P.C.P Ketamine and crack
T.H.C. is good for me Bennies just bite back
Serapax, peyote tabs and a little friend called "Jack"
Sometimes I Get a feeling that I'm losing it, and
Sometime I Know I can't control the shit, and
Sometimes I Throw spastic, technicoloured fits, and
Sometimes I Feel I'm coming down from it,
My monkey hops onto my back and tells me that I must be doing more! More! More!
The moon and Mars and Venus, man I've visited them all
Been strung up in the desert and been Jesus standing tall
Flown higher than Mt Everest and never thought I'd fall
My only hope is life now is to stock up at the mall, with
Pre-Chorus - Chorus
Something 'bout the pixies with their eyes, they're always staring
and pointing their fingers at me
And something 'bout the friends who never call and don't remember
when I ring saying, "Hi, it's me"
And something 'bout the shit and piss and blood and bile and vomit
that in the morning covers the floor
And something 'bout the way the morning sunlight
always sends me out of the door to search for more