Goin' up to the country, loadin' up the LTD, goin' huntin' and I'm Goin' fishin' gonna spend the weekend in my shit shanty.
Getting Ready for huntin' this weekend, wondering which gun to bring,
I'm hopin' lady luck is on my shoulders, cause in 20 years I haven't caught a fuckin' thing!!!
I've tried huntin' turkey, then deer and duck,
I Tried riffles then shotguns, but still no luck.
Maybe I'd do a little better if I'd just learn how,
To aim my damn riffle, instead of fuckin' the farmers cow!!!
Cause I come up for the huntin' but I stay for the beef,
It's cold out in the meadow but it's warm in a sheep.
Soon it will be sunrise but I can't leave right now,
Cause it's midnight in the country and my dick's in this cow!!!
The barnyard fun gets a startin' once I get between those furry knees,
But I always wear a glove for the man-beast love; don't want to end up with Mad-Cow Disease.
But cows are too high to get a mount on and chickens are too tight on my dick,
A sheep however I can count on, a perfect height and a perfect fit.
This sure beats huntin' and that's no lie, so (Baaaaa) goes the little sheep, as I squeeze inside. A few more joyful thrusts and I'll soon be done, just keep a look out for the sheriff
I just come up for the huntin' is what I told the police, but they caught me getting nasty in the barn with some sheep. Now I'm sittin' in the lock down and I'm bitin' my nails, cause it's Midnight in the country and I'm stuck in this jail.