Story Behind the Song
Inspired by Native american Theology and Instruments
"The Ancient One"
W: Jancik/Deremiah M: Jancik
The Ancient One, My old friend,
The One who walked before, The One who'll walk again.
The Ancient One of Old, With wisdom for the new,
Revive our inner sight, Re-tell Your timeless truths,
Oh Ancient One!
Oh Wankan-Tanka, Great Spirit of Living Light.
Who heals from within, Whose healing light brings life.
The One who is but Love, Who's Love is all about,
Who's Breath is in us all, Come bring within without.
Oh Ancient One!
The end beyond our means,
The depth beyond the sea;
Great light shadows the sun,
Hear my words, Oh Ancient One.
Although you are "The Great",
You tarry with the small.
Full love flows in and out,
Never giving up You'll live within until within's without.
(Native American percussion & chanting)
Come set our souls afire,
Oh Most Ancient of Days!
(Chant to intro music repeated to fade)
My Life - Your Life - Their Lives - Our Lives
My Hopes - Your Hopes - Their Hopes - Our Hopes
My Dreams - Your Dreams - Their Dreams - Our Dreams
My Love - Your Love- Their Love - Our Love
Ancient One!
I hear your calling!
Ancient One!
Our lives are longing!
Ancient One!
Sweet inspiration!
Ancient One!
Raises expectations