Story Behind the Song
the classic trials and tribulations of a boy and his dad.
I hate waking up before the sun
but when I do, first I run
to the kitchen cabinet and grab a bowl
I love breakfast with all my soul
cuz it makes me happy, it wakes me up
I drink my OJ from a cup
well I finished one bowl, would've gone for ten
but papa took a shit in the milk again!
mom quick the milk is bad
no,no dear that's just your dad
looks like he played a prank
he tricked you with his fecal stank
maybe it's just me, but I can't understand
how you can take a shit in the palm of your hand
squeeze it through that little hole
wait for me to pour in in my bowl
you think it's funny and it's all a joke
I think you've been snorting way to much coke
you say what's wrong, let me make a list
but the foremost, number one
it makes me pissed!
I hate chocolate milk dad
it's not funny, it makes me mad
waking up, nothing I hate more
than going to the store for milk and porn
you think it's and it's all a joke
I think you've been snorting way too much coke
cheerios need sugar, mostly Imperial
quick taking dumps in my cereal!