"A" is for Apple, "B" is for Boy,
And "C" is for Candy,
That "D", he Destroys,
As "E", he is Eating,
And "F", Finding,
"G", tastes Good
"H" stands for Henry,
Invite starts with "I",
And "J" is for Johnny,
And the "K", Kite they'll fly,
"L" is for laughing,
They always do as friends
"M" stands for making, "N" lots of noise,
"O" is for Open, the "P", place of toys,
"Q" is a Question, the answer you may know,
Are you ready to go on, with the alphabet, well let's go !!!!
"R" is for Rabbit, who comes on Easter day,
"S" is for the Slouch, who takes your books away,
"T" is for Tommy,
Who hasn't been real good
Umbrella starts with "U", and Viking starts with "V",
"W" is for witch, on Holloween you'll see,
"X" stands for X-ray, letter "Y" is for Yes,
And what is that black striped pony,
It's a "Z", Zebra, what a great guess!!
Now you have sung, all your ABC's,
They aren't very hard,
You can sing them easily,
Let's see if you remember,
We'll sing them by themselves
A,B,C,D,E,F,G...H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P...QRSTU...VWX and Y...
And the last letter of the Alphabet is "Z"... YeahNow you know your ABC's!!