Story Behind the Song
A song to start off the "Slouch In The Couch" story.
Relax while I tell you, a strange and different story,
That happened on a Saturday,
I had been lazy, week-end homework drives me crazy,
And the night before I’d said, “NO WAY.”
My mom had to shop,
I opened a “pop”,
She said “Son, “You can play when your homework is done.”
Then she left and I sat there just a thinkin’,
With the house just ‘crackin’ and a ‘squeakin’,
With a stack of all my schoolbooks, by my side.
I started looking all around, as I heard a funny sound,
A sound I’d never heard before.
The Couch started shakin’, the noise it kept a’makin,
The cushins threw me to the floor.
From the couch there grew, two red fuzzy ears…
They were glued to a head, on a creature so weird,
From the couch, it jumped onto the table,
With a pink bag and “rare” was it’s side label,
It spoke, it said, “I’m a Slouch, what’s there to eat.”
Slouch In The Couch…….Slouch In The Couch..
Slouch In The Couch…….Slouch In The Couch,
It grabbed my books, out the door it went runnin’,
I yelled, “Come back Slouch”, I wasn’t funnin’,
It laughed, saying, “Unfinished homework taste best you see.”
In the house right next to me, lived my friend Mildred McGee,
She saw the Slouch and gave out a “yelp.”
I said, “Milly help me please, you know I never tease,
There’s a Slouch out here, I need your help.”
She joined in the chase,
We ran all over the place,
The pink bag it dropped,
Milly & I we both stopped.
The bag opened, a creature did appear,
It said, “I’ll help catch that Slouch, don’t fear,
I’m Grock One, my Grocks & I will get the job done.”
Slouch In The Couch…….Slouch In The Couch..
Slouch In The Couch…….Slouch In The Couch,
He called his Grocks, up to 194,
They caught that Slouch in a furniture store,
It was a sight, now all my homework is done Friday night.