Alphatelli "A", and Alphatelli "B",
Went walking down the street,
To find Alphatelli "C",
They kept walking and talking, just what should they do,
For nobody knew, where was Alphatelli "U?,
Alphatelli "F", and Alphatelli "N",
Without "U" could have no fun, (FUN!)
Now, anybody tell me, if you've seen an Alphatelli,
Just look at their apron, which one did you see,
They're happy with big bellies, each and every Alphatelli,
But Alphatelli "U"'s missing
Alphatelli "A", and Alphatelli "B",
Found Alphatelli "C", with Alphatelli "D",
They told them the problem, their help they did need,
To find alphatelli "U", but they had not a lead,
Alphatelli "H", and Alphatelli "I",
Saw him by the candy store, (HI!!)
Now, anybody tell me, if you've seen an Alphatelli,
Just look at their apron, which one did you see,
They're happy with big bellies, each and every Alphatelli,
But Alphatelli "U"'s missing
In Fantasy Forest, I started my search,
I saw Mary Hearken there,
Also Frankie Goodprankster, Bart the Shlox,
And "Rennies" looking everywhere,
Alphatelli "U", just had to be found,
In order for there to be fun, (FUN!!)
Can anybody tell me, if you've seen our Alphatelli,
He's a cute looking fellow, like an "O" with no top,
He's happy with a belly, just like every Alphatelli,
And our search for him, will never stop...
Alphatelli "A", and Alphatelli "B",
Met Alphatelli "G" and Alphatelli "E",
They each heard a rumor, they hoped wasn't true,
The Stinkells in Stankwell, have Alphatelli "U",
Alphatelli "A", and Alphatelli "B",
Both ran to tell Stephen J.,
Now anybody tell me, if you've seen our Alphatelli,
He looks like an "O", but he hasn't the top,
He's happy and likes jelly, just like every Alphatelli,
And he drinks a lot of soda pop,
I grabbed Mary Hearken, to Stankwell we ran,
We hid so we would not be seen,
In the middle of town, A platform did stand,
And on it, stood Boris Damean,
That mayor of Stankwell, had Alphatelli "U",
All tied up with a big long rope,
....We needed a plan,
....So our thoughts each began,
....For action was our only hope,
We circled the town, I went to the left,
And Mary Hearken, she went right,
She yelled at the Stinkells, and Boris Damean,
"Bet you can't catch me tonight",
They ran after Mary, I crept up behind,
Untying Alphatelli "U",
We ran back to the forest, where we met Horace T. Morris,
He asked, "Why did they want him,
how did he get free"?,
Our little Alphatelli, said "Those Stinkells love spaghetti,
but didn't have the recipe",
Alphatelli "A", and Alphatelli "B",
We're walking down the street, with Alphatelli "P",
Mr. Buzzelli, was there with them too, they were all having lunch,
With Alphatelli "U",
Alphatelli "F", and Alphatelli "N",
Were happy they could now have fun,
Can anybody tell me if you've seen an Alphatelli,
Just look at their apron,
Which one did you see,
Each and every Alphatelli, make a very good spaghetti,
With their very secret recipe,
Can anybody tell me if you've seen an Alphatelli,
Just look at their apron,
Which one did you see,
They're happy with big bellies, each and every Alphatelli,
And Alphatelli "U",
Alphatelli "U",
Alphatelli "U"'s, with me.....