Story Behind the Song
The powerful emotions that flowed from so many people, directly and indirectly affected moved me to instant reaction. to come to grips with my own emotions regarding the event and its place in history. I recognize the loss of life and the new beginnings that 911 represents. Most of all, I recognize what strength of charactor truly means. the song was written in a few minutes. the vocals were laid down in one take and the production was a week in the making.
It was so inspired
I've noticed all around the world. Responses and reactions to 911. I've had a very difficult time talking about that days events. I avoid the papers and news programs, I especially avoid debating those events. what I choose not to do on the surface I do in my mind, heart and conscience. (oh, and in deed,because) If I have to be touched throughout my life. I hope it's always by high ideals. And if I have to shed tears in my life, I hope it's for joy and not fear. And If I'm fortunate enough to know lasting love in my life. May it be for dreams. And If I have to know sorrow in my life, may it be because you're not on my team.
There should not be touch tears lasting love nor sorrow that I, that I can't. appreciate, understand and except in my life.
'Cause I'm free. in my mind to comprehend and reason, reason them all. and to distille them all down into a basic thruth. that if I have to be anything then I chose to be free. I have to be anything then I choose to be free.
repeat from...If I to be touched.