(Spoken) You see boys, it was in the year of eighteen hundred and forty-four,
And it was in June on the second day,
That our ship sat sail, her anchors aweighed,
And for Greenland she sailed away,
To catch that mighty whale.
The lookout stood in the top of the mast, With a spyglass in his hand;
There’s a whale there’s a whale there’s a whalefish he cried,
And she blows at every span brave boys, Blows at every span.
The captain stood on the quarter deck,
A brave little man was he;
”Overhaul, overhaul! Let your davit tackles fall,
And launch your boats for sea brave boys,
Launch your boats for sea.
Now the boats were launched and the men aboard,
And the whale was full in view,
Resolved was each of the seamen bold,
To steer where the whalefish blew brave boys,
Steer where the whalefish blew.
So we stuck the whale and the line paid out,
But she gave us a lash with her tail,
So we lost our boat and five gallant men,
And we lost that mighty whale brave boys,
We lost that mighty whale.
When the captain heard of the loss of his men,
It grieved his heart right sore,
But when he heard of the loss of his whale,
It grieved him ten times more brave boys,
It grieved him ten times more.
The winter star doth now appear,
So, boys we’ll anchor a-weighed,
It’s time to leave this cold country,
And homeward steer away brave boys,
Homeward steer away.
For Greenland sure is a dreadful place,
It's a land that’s never green,
Where there’s ice and snow, and the whalefish blow,
And the daylight’s seldom seen brave boys,
The daylight’s seldom seen.
’Twas in the year of forty-four,
In June the second day,
That our gallant ship, her anchors aweighed,
And for Greenland sailed away,
For Greenland she sailed away.