Story Behind the Song
A fictious , partly true, song that outlines the life of Brian Bett, or underground followers beliefs of his life. In all actuality he has only done it once, and hates drugs and does not condone them in anyway.
I use marijuana to cure my self of ADHD
The police don’t like it and to stop, my mom, she, begs me bugs me
My high school girl friend thinks I should watch more TV
But all I really need is a little more THC
Everything Slows down,
Everything is wonderful,
Everything is humorous,
Everything spins round.
When I was four I played Star Wars during Easter service
When I was five my Bowie knife made Mrs. Coppell nervous
and in the first grade I cut Susie’s hair off at the rubber band
I failed second grade cause Mrs. Chaplin wouldn’t understand!
When I was eight I shot the Reverend with an air gun
When I was nine I made a crowded theatre turn and run
and in the fourth grade I blew up the school to please Jen
and in the fifth grade the unloving teachers failed me again!
I used to get in all types of trouble in school because the teachers used to think I was like jumping around all over and I was paying attention it was just every once in a while I would get a little bit hyper and it takes a little while to cool down sometimes, and you know its just hard, and you know I’d be running around and chasing some girl and like she just be trying to get away from me and eventually she'd end up slapping me and we get into a fight and I don’t know I cant control myself someday and I know sometimes you need to relax and chill out and take something, you know? and usually after that imp all better, like now, now imp fine, imp mellow imp....
Everything Slows down, everything makes sense, everything is wonderful, everything is humorous, everything spins round.