I am so mixed up that I cannot tell you,
I'm sitting in this blender turning brown.
I've made friends with the onions and the flour,
And the cook is scouting oil in town.
I sit here wondering what will come of me,
I can't be eaten looking as I do.
I need someone to take me out and cook me,
Or I'll really end up in a royal stew.
I am a latke, I'm a latke,
and I am waiting for Chanukah to come.
I am a latke, I'm a latke,
and I am waiting for Chanukah to come.
Every holiday has foods so special,
I'd like to have that same attention too.
I do not want to spend life in this blender,
Wondering what I'm supposed to do.
Matza and charoset are for Pesach,
Chopped liver and challah for Shabbat.
Blintzes on Shavuot are delicious,
And gefilte fish no holiday's without.
It's important that I have an understanding,
of what it is that I'm supposed to do.
You see there are many who are homeless,
With no jobs, no clothes and very little food.
It's so important that we all remember,
that while we have most of the things we need,
We must remember those who have so little,
We must help them, we must be the ones to feed.