(Lyrics by Antny)
two spuds met in a band
gonna find out to lend a hand
they found two more spuds, put 'em in the drawer
take out the eyes and peel them some more
come up put 'em in a pot put the hot water in
make it clearly hot, turn the gas up
stir 'em around, take them out and push 'em on the ground
stomp on the taters now, stomp on the taters
stomp on the taters now, make mashed potatoes
put 'em in the pot, pull out the dirt and the hair from the floor then take it out the door
take it to your neighbors, take it to your friend
take it to grandma, take it back again
sayin' grandma has potatoes
grandma eat potatoes
do you like potatoes?
yes she does
what's this fuzz ball in the potatoes?
don't worrry grandma, it's protein--eat it up now
eat it up now, grandma
eat them potatoes, eat 'em up
FiL, are you done now?
runnin' outta things t'say about potaters