Story Behind the Song
The song is a wandering stream of the disgust and lure of the places a band finds themselves and the images that burn themselves into the dark alligator brain.
In a Dejavu mood, it occured to me,
Like a barstool martyr, his epiphany,
He won't survive,
Because he don't listen,
She's a blonde haired beauty, near my aquaduct,
Like a skinless chicken , on a wind up truck,
She won't survive,
The 50 cents video hearts, because she won't listen,
You don't know me at all,because you don't listen,
In a room bubonic,near a mantle shelf,
Thinking full scale sonnets, all by himself,
He won't survive, because he don't listen,
He's a burned out rocker, who could be me,
Humming Old MacDonald out of harmony,
he won't survive,
The 50 cent video hearts,
You don't know me at all,
Because you don't listen,
50 cent video hearts.