Story Behind the Song
Recorded at Lovejuice studios in Riverside, CA on Dec. 18-19, 1999.
We said we'd rather lie dead than sit stale. Stakes steadily rise, break down and compromise or fail. Ration the bread because the beast must be fed. Take more than you need and all paths will lead to its den. (We kill the youth, we blur the lines between the want and have to do, we kill the youth. do as done before can we expect anything more?, we kill the youth, toss the child into a world that is cold, cruel and real, we kill the youth, you can kill our youth but not our ideals!) Victor gets the spoils but greed will spoil our victory. Who needs another me generation to tatter the pages of history? An ample reward goes to whoever will sink the sword into their identity. Time turns stagnation into us but we need not turn the other cheek.