I’m feeling unsettled, uncertain, unraveled, unlucky.
Unsure what she’ll say to me.
If I should take the plunge this time.
Reluctant, reliving, recounting, recalling, remembering
All of those moments I was rebuffed
By women who were this so refined.
Describing derailments that lead to destruction could seem
Demented deranged, disordered indeed.
Some personal traits you might despise.
Pretension, presumption, prevarication’s required
But perhaps some preparation’s prescribed
That’s precisely how I’ll roll the dice.
A pillar in cement, my legs they can’t be bent.
Biological warfare at its worst.
I’m feeling like I’m drenched, I’m swimming in my sweat.
Seems to me my head’s about to burst.
I’m standing immobile, impaired, impeded, imprisoned
By my subliminal fears in side
I must look quite the imbecile.
Releasing, relaxing, repairing, renewing, removing
The shackles that halt me here in my tracks
Is the answer for me to rebuild
My limbs have been revived, my pilot is relit.
My body seems prepared to be reused.
My spirit is imbued, no longer impotent
How could she possibly refuse
Ennobled, invigored, enlivened, enlightened, impassioned
To take that certain plunge this time
Imbibing delight through every pore.
Debating, desponding, discussing, deducting, deciding
Has given her time to skip out the door
I’ll never see her ever more.
I dawdled for a while, writing out this rhyme.
I’ve got some extra time I can spend.
Certainly next time with a woman so refined
I’ll probably go through this all again.