Story Behind the Song
Newest ORDAINED song with new guitarist Mike Pagan. Recorded for the "Dark Assembly Volume 2" compilation CD. Also to be SINcluded on the upcoming ORDAINED full length fall release.
Passed along down through time, along through generations,
Surviving the ancient past of unspeakable abominations, Rising from the pit of Hell with smoke as black as pitch
Father one who created lies, mother burned as a witch
Unholy, Unholy Blasphemies
Selling wares in the temple court, reaping souls in eternal exchange, tables turned, the annointed one, who shook his head in shame
Altars high upon the hills, incense burned unto the Gods
Graven images are my brethren, where angels have never trod
Unholy, Unholy Blasphemies
Spill the blood of sacrifice, fill the Holy Grail, construct the cross, bring the condemned, crown of thorns, hands and feet impaled........