Story Behind the Song
i dont really know what this song is about.......
Blue cheese isnt blue,but sand art is made with sand,and my size barbie isnt my size,george bush isnt hairy but dick chaney is,and i always lose my bouncy balls
i have to find out why the sprint pin doesnt fall evenly,and i think burger king should sell hotdogs with sour creme,because it would make me happy,and it would make the world better if they brought ninja turtles back on the air
shoes always rip,i thought only paper and cardbourd can,i never found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,girls always wear shirts when you go out with them,and garfields mouth never moves when he talks
even though everyone pees in pools,i remember that i do to...and even though when u try to balance you look like a bird i realize that birds can fly