Story Behind the Song
The Four Sons Of Mosiah dedicated their lives to the service of the Lord. Being the first to preach repentance and salvation to the Lamanites, their testimonies and service changed the course of history forever.
We have so much to be grateful for,
so much to praise his name
Our Lord, our Redeemer did us save
We feel the spirit, deep within,
that we must serve our Lord this day
Salvation comes no other way
I know he lives, he loves, everyone
I know he lives, and died for us each one
A broken heart and a softening of our spirit’s all he asks
Our brothers, we will then be free at last
Now let us part and go our separate ways
This is our duty, as his servants we will obey
We’ll go unto the Lamanites,
And bring them to the Savior once again
He can free them from their sins
I know he lives, he loves, everyone
Our Lord lives, and died for us, each one
With a broken heart and the strength to bear his holy name
Returning to our father once again
We boast not in ourselves, but of our Savior
We honor and sing praises unto him
In our struggles and defeats, triumphant victories
We echo all the Prophets throughout time
We know he lives, he loves, everyone
Our Lord lives, and will save us, each one
Peace I bring to you, these words will echo true
Now join us as we sing our brothers song
We know he lives, he loves us, everyone
We know he lives, and will save us everyone
Peace I bring to you, these words will echo true
Then at that day, we will say
We know he lives