Story Behind the Song
I was asked to do this arrangement for a
friends wedding. Steph (the bride!) wanted a
song in our music style, but one that
everyone in the congregation would know and
be able to join in with. Because the tune is
a popular carol we reconed that would be
pretty safe! A while later I did a remix on
the words too. The vocals on this arrangement
are by Fiona. I was teaching her how to
record vocals, and her voice sounded so good
on this hymn that I asked her to sing the
whole thing for me!
For the beauty of the Earth
Sunlight, starlight, painted skies
Endless love which from our birth
still caresses all our lives,
God of all we give you praise
May we love you all our days.
For the beauty of each hour,
Every breath that comes to light.
Mountains, deserts, oceans, flowers,
Starscapes dancing in the night.
God of all we give you praise
May we love you all our days.
For the joy of human love,
Soulmates, brothers, sisters, home,
Friends on earth and friends above,
Passion that is pure and warm,
God of all we give you praise
May we love you all our days.
For the hope that you have given
Loving all humanity,
Suffering to bring us Heaven,
Everything you've given me.
God of all, we give you praise.
May we love you all our days.
For your church which evermore,
Lifts her holy hands above,
Offering up on every shore
Deep devotion, hope and love,
God of all, we give you praise.
May we love you all our days