Story Behind the Song
Fingers always called this the MTV song, but I don't know why. I think the riff was just so simple it seemed familiar to him. He wrote a great bass intro which you can hear on this take.
My sweet life it really is quite nice,
everything is fine!
Blondes, brunettes and other wild women
are with me all the time!
The babes are great,
I even date their sisters I have got it all
Anytime, anywhere I'm not alone
Redheads are on call!
My sweet life. There is no doubt about it
My sweet life. Everybody knows about it
My sweet life. No need to gloat about it
My sweet life. Don't tell us about it
Seagrams, Jack, Stoli and Bacardi
some nights I mix them all
I add a splash of frozen Wild Turkey
it really is a ball
Michelobe, wine and a Smirnoff
it will warm my bones
If I go a single day without it
I will surely Jones!
I have got a '57 Les Paul
sunburst red guitar
A Strat, a Peavy and a Jackson
nothing's too bizarre
Played through a Fender Twin Reverb
or a Marshall stack
A phaser, flanger, chorus and vibrato
there's nothing that I lack.
I have been around the world a few times
I always fly first class
Waiters, maids, hostesses and bellhops
they all kiss my ass
If they don't they know that they'll
get fired and their kids will die
So they make sure that I am happy
I'm a lucky guy!