I saw my future; it flashed past my eyes
Lost out of reach
Reliving that moment, all ridded of hope
I'm stronger than most, still I can't see the way to get
Free from the thorn that is tearing my soul
Teasing me forever and more
Denying me
I', forever lost
One moment in time was all I got
I didn't catch it and now it's lost
One moment in time, forever lost
I saw my past as it flashed past my eyes
So tired of all
Repeating the same deeds, so far beyond reason
I'm locked in my prison 'till someone comes breaking the
Chains that is binding my imprisoned soul
I lived for that moment and for it I'd die
Existence is punishment, I learned the hard way
I sacrifice my pride through self-pity and cry
But in the end I'm indifferent somehow
Drowning in sorrow
A riptide of tears
If I live tomrrow, come live with me
I see the present with tears in my eyes
Powelessness frustrating me
Capture this moment as a tool of torture
I'm pouring the salt in my own bleeding wounds
Raped, punished, mutilated soul